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Karmen Bulmer


"The oldest of four kids, I grew accustomed to being the glue, uniter and leader within my family unit. When someone offended my siblings we were all offended as an extension. As a byproduct of this familial role I've always been exceedingly empathtic and always considered my sisters and brother.


After leaving primary school I encountered more opportunities to unite and become one with my community through a celebration of diverse cultures, economic backgrounds, races, languages and more. Having always been encouraged to stand up for others, I naturally built a big part of my identity around understanding and celebrating differences. I choose to be a part of Together We Stand because it emboldens my intuition to not stand by silently when something isn't right - because at the end of the day, diversity and inclusion should be celebrated." Karmen Bulmer



Mollie Caragol


“I am both humbled & honored to serve and represent Together We Stand. Through the work of TWS, I aim to unite my community in taking a stand against racial injustice by spreading awareness & participating in unfiltered conversations about racial hate. I hope to share my experiences, educate about anti-asian hate & shift perceptions of what it means -or does not mean- to be an Asian American woman. I look forward to learning from the experiences of others, and amplifying all voices who stand against hate and inequality.” Mollie Caragol 


Miriam "Mimi" Melvin


Miriam is an avid runner, a member of the local chapter of Black Girls Run, and a proud member of the Sigma Gamma Rho sorority.  


“It is an honor and privilege to serve as an Ambassador for Together We Stand NC.  This organization provides our local communities with two things that are essential particularly at this time; a means by which we can have peaceful dialog concerning racial injustice and it normalizes healthy lifestyles.  I look forward to participating in future events as I seek to share, learn and grow.” 


Follow Mimi at @chicproducer1922 and @getfitwithmi22 

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